Filer Contact Information
BEFORE YOU BEGIN, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING The online FBAR form does not allow you to save your progress during completion. After submission, a read-only copy of your FBAR will be available for download.
Questions or issues encountered during the FBAR filing process may be directed to the BSA E-Filing Help Desk at 1-866-346-9478 or via email at The Help Desk is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m EST. Please note that the Help Desk is closed on Federal holidays.
Please provide the following contact information so that you may receive the appropriate correspondence regarding the status of your FBAR filing:
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required by default unless otherwise stated
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Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Version Number:
FinCEN Form 114 OMB No. 1506-0009
The deadline to file the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) to FinCEN coincides with the current IRS tax season filing deadline for annual tax returns.
This form should be used to report a financial interest in, signature authority, or other authority over one or more financial accounts in foreign countries, as required by the Department of the Treasury Regulations 31 CFR 1010.350 . No report is required if the aggregate value of the accounts did not exceed $10,000. See help text Instructions for definitions. PRIVACY ACT AND PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICEPursuant to the requirements of Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), notice is hereby given that the authority to collect information on FinCEN 114 in accordance with 5 USC 552a (e) is Public Law 91-508; 31 USC 5314; 5 USC 301; 31 CFR 1010.350. The principal purpose for collecting the information is to assure maintenance of reports where such reports or records have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, or regulatory investigations or proceedings. The information collected may be provided to those officers and employees of any constituent unit of the Department of the Treasury who have a need for the records in the performance of their duties. The records may be referred to any other department or agency of the United States upon the request of the head of such department or agency for use in a criminal, tax, or regulatory investigation or proceeding. The information collected may also be provided to appropriate state, local, and foreign law enforcement and regulatory personnel in the performance of their official duties. Disclosure of this information is mandatory. Civil and criminal penalties, including in certain circumstances a fine of not more than $500,000 and imprisonment of not more than five years, are provided for failure to file a report, supply information, and for filing a false or fraudulent report. Disclosure of the Social Security number is mandatory. The authority to collect is 31 CFR 1010.350 (formerly 31 CFR 103.24) . The Social Security number will be used as a means to identify the individual who files the report. The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 60 minutes per respondent or record keeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate, and suggestions for reducing the burden should be directed to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, P. O. Box 39, Vienna, VA 22183, Attn: Office of RegulatoryPolicy.
Filing Instructions 1. Complete the FBAR. Complete the form in its entirety with all requested or required data known to the filer. For detailed information regarding the completion of your FBAR, please refer to User Quick Links at 2. Sign the completed FBAR. Click ‘Sign the Form’ (at the bottom of this page) once the FBAR is complete. 3. Submit the signed FBAR. Click ‘Submit’ (at the bottom of this page) once the FBAR is electronically signed. 4. Retain a copy of your submission. Download a copy (read-only) of your FBAR from your submission confirmation page and retain for record keeping purposes.
Part I Filer Information
4 Foreign identification
(Complete if Item 3 U.S TIN is blank)
5 Individual's Date of Birth
* 14a Does the filer have a financial interest in 25 or more financial accounts?
If "Yes" is checked do not complete Part II or Part III, but retain records of this information
* 14b Does the filer have signature authority over but no financial interest in 25 or more financial accounts?
If "Yes" is checked Complete Part IV items 34 through 43 for each person on whose behalf the filer has signature authority.
(Select Country/Region before selecting state)
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Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Part II Information on Financial Account(s) Owned Separately
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required if an account is recorded in this section
*23 Country/
*18 Account number or other
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Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Part III Information on Financial Account(s) Owned Jointly
Account Information
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required if an account is recorded in this section
*23 Country/
*18 Account number or other
Principal Joint Owner Information
if entity
33 Country/
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Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Part IV Information on Financial Account(s) Where Filer has Signature or Other Authority but No financial Interest in the Account(s)
Account Information
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required if an account is recorded in this section
*23 Country/
*18 Account number or other
Owner Information
if entity
Account Information
Part V Information on Financial Account(s) Where Filer is Filing a Consolidated Report
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required if an account is recorded in this section
*18 Account number or other
*23 Country/
Owner Information
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
44a Check here
if this report is completed by a third party preparer and complete the third party preparer section.
(Date of signature will be auto-populated when the report is signed.)
Third Party Preparer Use Only
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required if item 44a is checked above
50 Check
if self employed
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